Sunday, October 2, 2011

Au revoir Bamako

 We leave for Djenné tomorrow morning at 7:00 am! Bou is coming at 6:30, we're going to load up all of our stuff, and then we'll be off on a seven-hour roadtrip. After 11 days in Bamako, we're finally going to start doing what we came here to do! We're really excited, but also a bit sad. We've had an amazing time here at The Sleeping Camel, and we're going to miss our friends here a lot.

The activity of our last night: Drunk Jenga.

Some of our friends: (front row from right) Dom and Matt, (back row from right) Wade, Kirsten, Andrea, Chris, Bill, me, Mollie the Puppy and Francie the Dog. Thanks for all the fun times, we'll miss you guys!!

Tomorrow is Monday, the famous Market Day in Djenné, so when we arrive in the afternoon the town will be buzzing with activity. It will probably look a lot like this:

It's gonna be awesome. I can't wait.

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